Jobless Numbers Miss, WMT Earnings Miss! What Else Are We Missing?

financial crisis, stock exchange, trend

Good Morning!

Stocks are currently down as we wait to deal with some news today. Unemployment numbers come out today. This could have a huge impact on the rest of the day and also will potentially help push through any stimulus packages. Tech stocks are being hit the most, as money is flowing out of them, after these stocks helped push the market to All-Time-Highs. AAPL being one of the few getting hit the hardest being down just under $2.00. TSLA is also taking a small nose dive today being down close to $20.00 on the day.

In other news WMT is getting crushed after it failed to impress on its 4th Quarter Earnings Report. WMT presented some interesting news in it’s report, one key thing to take out of it, was they are not sure they can retain the increase in e-commerce sales that they built up during the pandemic. This is a interesting comment, as it comes off that WMT is predicting Americans to start going out in the future, and may not stay at home at much ordering products to their doors. This is great news for the economy, but its bad news for companies like WMT. This news helps my suggestion last week of starting to look into travel companies, like BA, AAL and even RCL.

SPY Top Targets 391.95, 392.93 Bottom Targets 389.16, 388.31
AAPL Top Targets 130.04, 131.34 Bottom Targets 128.09, 126.76

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